Blog Archives

#15: supporting my local bookstore

yesterday, i publicly challenged myself to 30 “days” of change. today i began that journey with a trip to my local bookstore.

img_20160921_203016 it’s been AGES since i’ve purposefully made a trip to a bookstore- sure, i’ve walked through corporate chain stores, but the last time i remember actually going into a store for the purpose of browsing-to-buy… before my nephew was born, and that was january 2015!

i had forgotten how charming and welcoming bookstores can be- the labyrinthine aisles of new and used tomes, the silly last minute cards & presents, the smell of paper and binding glue. i’m fortunate to live in an area that supports MULTIPLE local bookstores- some with more than one location! i stopped at this particular branch because it was on the way home from work and spent about an hour roaming. i will DEFINITIVELY be returning in the near future to scope out YA titles to borrow from the library.

one of the things i love most about independent stores  is the humanity that pervades them. based on the hand-written employee recommendation cards, i left with 3 new books: 2 colour/activity { for future challenges ;) } and the next in a graphic novel series i’m reading. yes, this was an easier challenge, but i’m going to ease myself in- AND CELEBRATE THAT I DID IT!!!! this is all about growth and change…


minor changes

as you may have noticed, i changed the header image on my site. in part, because it’s nice to change things up now and then, but also in part because…well, i’m beginning a new journey. i don’t want to say much about it right now, mostly because i’m nervous/ scared/ excited of what it is going to look like and where it is going to take me { if anywhere }.

there may be more changes coming that directly affect this blog- they may be visual, they may be a retcon of the “about me” page, they may even take the form of this blog becoming private.

thank you all for bearing with me.